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Bethel Park Soccer Association

Policies for Referees
League Referee Assistant Referees
U10 $55 $45
U11/12 $60 $50
U13 and older $70 $55
Flights $20 N/A
In the event that only 2 officials attend a travel game then the full fee for 3 officials is paid to the 2.
If someone volunteers to act as a linesman they may or may not be entitled to payment. If the volunteer is certified and shows proof to the center ref they get a portion of the payment. If the volunteer is not certified, then no payment is given to the volunteer. In this instance, the two scheduled referees receive the full payment.
Please be certain to contact the assignor of any schedule changes, field changes or game cancellations at least two days prior to the game. The assignor needs to notify the referees of any and all changes.
The referee assignor needs to be notified if any official does not attend a scheduled game. This includes the referee or the assistant referee(s).
The entire certification and re-certification fee will be reimbursed to a referee after they have officiated 2 games during a calendar year, running from December to December, i.e. a ref can officiate one game in the spring 2008 season, then the second game in the fall 2008 season and put in for reimbursement at the end of December. Most referees complete two games during the spring and receive reimbursement at the end of June.

New referees will be responsible for purchasing all referee equipment. All refs should wear a watch, do not use your phone for time keeping. 
All new referees are required to ref at least 5 in-house games prior to being eligible to referee any travel games. This is to allow the referee to become more comfortable with the steps before taking on a travel game. Once completing the two in-house games the assignor will automatically add them to the list of eligible travel referees.

More info for referees: PA West Referees.
REFEREE Supervisor
It is the responsibility of the referee supervisor to:
  • Observe new referees within their first two games to ensure they are comfortable with the position and provide any guidance.
  • Take disciplinary action against any referees that fail to referee games for which they have been scheduled without notifying the assignor 2 days prior to the game.
  • Schedule certification and recertification training for the referees and/or notify referees of available training outside Bethel Park.
Question:  What time to I need to be at the field for games?
Answer:  The rule of thumb is to be at the field 15 minutes prior to flights and 20-30 minutes prior to travel games. The reason is that travel teams need to be check in and the field inspected, rules explained, etc, see the PA West Pre-Game Procedures.

For example: If you are to referee a travel game at 1:00, you should be to the game by 12:40 at the very latest. This will allow you to inspect the field, check in the players, flip the coin and be ready for the 1:00 start time.

Referees should be at flights at least 15 minutes prior to game time, which is generally the last hour of the flights. See flights page.

About Our Club

The mission of the Bethel Park Soccer Association is to provide a quality soccer program at a fun as well as competitive level for the residents of Bethel Park, PA.  The association is a member of PA-West, the governing body for soccer in Western Pennsylvania, and adheres to all ethical rules set forth by that governing body.  As such, BPSA has high expectation for adherence to the Code of Conduct by all coaches, players, parents and spectators participating in the program.

Contact Us

Please contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or comments.

For registration questions or issues please email [email protected].
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